Tarotscopes for 23rd – 29th August











 ARIES 21ST March -20th April   aries

It is time to move on, you want and need change, and the only way that can happen, is if your apply yourself to make the changes you desperately need. You have a good support network around you, people that love and care for you that want the best for you, so lean on them when you need too. You are working hard, to bring security in your life, keep working hard it is going to pay off for you. Avoid negative people and the dramas they create, and surround yourself with those that are a positive influence on you.

Godfrey’s message to you is you are as lucky in life as you want to be, if you think you’re lucky you will manifest it in your life. The same applies for if you think you are unlucky you will create that. So positive thinking is necessary for you. You are worrying so much about what could happen or go wrong, relax, all is safe, nothing is going to be as bad as you fear, in fact it will work out better than expected.




taurusTAURUS 21st April – 21st May

You are working so hard to make your life a better one. It looks like your healing from a situation, or someone has caused you some sort of upset of late. This will soon pass though, it’s not long lasting. It is a fantastic time to see some positive changes around your working life. You are heading towards second chances of happiness, and a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s also a good time for meetings or interviews, or perhaps appointments that will prove to be successful.

Godfrey’s message to you is you are on the right path and heading in the right direction. It is time to think about what you want to do with your life, and to make plans for your future. There is a lot to get done, and many things you can do to get your life on track start off by making small but significant changes, it is all about how you can better yourself and your life.





cancerCANCER 22nd June -22nd July

Be on the lookout for some important news or information, that you need to act upon quickly so as not to miss out on any opportunities around you. Areas of your life that have been at a standstill should start to pick up a pace, and as one thing falls into place, you should find other areas fall into place too. If you can take some time out to rest, relax and recharge your batteries now is the time to do it. You have some big decisions to make, all you need to do, is to go with what feels right in your heart. Look out for offers or invites, that link to work or relationships.

 Godfrey’s message to you is this is a good week for you; you have many positive things happening, and positive people appearing in your life. Whilst you may have the odd frustration, from people that are being a bit of a pain, all in all, you have some good people around you, they are the ones you need to focus on. Accept offers or invites as they come as they come from a trusted source. Enjoy your week, and have fun, life is to be lived.






GEMINI 22nd May – 21st June

Life is ever changing, and even though it may appear that on the surface of things that nothing much is happening, but change is happening all the same. It is time to put the past in the past, and focus on the people that give you the love and respect. You should start to feel a lot brighter and clearer headed towards the middle of the week, and get new ideas on how to solve problems. Money is on the up, and you should see that your finances are getting better. New opportunities are coming to better yourself, and to create more opportunities for the long term future.

Godfrey’s message to you is everything is as it should be, there are times when you feel you are doing a lot of giving to others and you are not getting anything back in return. In cases like this, it is important to surround yourself with people that are going to give you the same love and respect as you give them. You have some fantastic ideas to move forwards and to get things sorted out, all you need to do is have a bit of self-belief and to get the ball rolling.




leoLEO 23rd July – 23rd August

It’s time to look ahead of yourself, and think about the bigger picture and your long-term future. Make plans, and set yourself some new targets to achieve. You have plenty of options right now, there is more than one way for you to progress and move forwards. The only thing that is going to hold you back is yourself, and that is because you worry about doing the right and wrong thing. Relax make your mind up and go for it, you won’t regret it.

Godfrey’s message to you is there is some good news coming in for you. A problem that has been dragging on will get sorted out as eventual success comes from a situation that has been dragging on for you. Right now you are being given opportunities to change and better your life, grab them as they appear, it all about taking charge and taking action.




virgoVIRGO 24th Aug – 22nd Sept

On the one hand, the wish card has come out for you, so make your wish and make sure it is a good one. You are entering a time of hopes, dreams and wishes coming true. There is a lot of hope and happiness ahead of you. However, you must deal with problems and issues, and hit them head on, to get them cleared out of the way. if you ignore them, they may well raise their ugly head when you do not want them too. It is important to open up all lines of communication and let others know how you feel and what you think. Do so from a place of compassion so others will hear you.

 Godfrey’s message to you is it is all about you at the moment, and one thing is for sure, all this hard work and effort that you are putting into different areas of your life will prove to be successful. Good news is on its way, and you should start to feel a lot happier, especially when it comes to security, as you are going along the lines of bringing more of that into your life, whether it is financial security or emotional security, you are well on your way to achieving this.






libraLIBRA 23rd Sept – 23rd Oct

You are in a deep reflective mood, where you are thinking and pondering a lot. Thinking about what has been and gone, what is around you now, and wondering what is ahead of you. There is a period of clearance, where you are sorting out problems. There is some good news, and a possible celebration coming up. It is a good week for parties, or invitations. Finances need to be juggled around a little. You are struggling to make a decision this week, and you do not know what to do for the best. Trust your intuition, if it feels right go for it, equally if you get a nagging feeling to not do something, bide your time and wait for a better time or situation.

 Godfrey’s message to you is you cannot see too far ahead of yourself, or see the outcome to a situation. Just allow a little time to pass, and you will then be able to see what is going to happen. You are very in tune with people and situations around you, trust what you feel and sense and act on it. You are in a period of personal and spiritual growth, you’re learning new things about yourself and those around you.




scorpioSCORPIO 24th Oct – 22 Nov

This is a good time for new jobs and roles. You have the world in your hands right now, and the choice is yours as to what path and direction you want to take in your life. try to see the bigger picture, look at the long term future. there are the odd tense times and emotional struggles, but this seems to be due, to bottling things up and not expressing yourself enough. Its time to work on the friendships and relationships you have with others. What is important is to work on bringing balance, peace and harmony in your life. Be open and adaptable to change, especially when making plans, as they could get changed at the last moment.

Godfrey’s message to you is you need to feel and sense your way through the week ahead. Go with what feels right for you, allow time to pass, to be able to see where you are going and what you need to do next in the short-term future. New jobs and roles will lead on to new people entering your life, and lead on to further opportunities in your future. It is time to do some work on yourself right now, drink lots of water and eat well, to help you to feel good inside and out.



sagittariusSAGITTARIUS 23rd Nov-21st Dec

This is a good week for trips and journeys. There are times when you feel you are being pulled in different directions, but that’s because you have not decided what to do regarding a situation. Relationships are looking good, especially when pertaining to security, happiness, and contentment. You may have a blast from the past this week and hear or see someone that you have not heard or seen in a while. This is a time of remembrance remembering those that are in spirit, remembering all the happy times that you have had. Everything you do at the moment, is about planting seeds, for the long term future, to build a happy and secure life ahead.

Godfrey’s message to you is there are times when your mind is working overtime, and it causes you to be restless at night and not sleep as well as you could, the best way to prevent this is try to sort out what is bothering you in the day before you go to bed. you will know if this is the case as you will wake up feeling just as tired as you did when you went to bed.




CAPRICORN 22nd Dec-20th Jan

Now is not the time to rush into anything or do anything on a knee jerk reaction. Take your time, to think, contemplate to rest and recharge your batteries. Meditate and reflect on what you want to happen. Go with the flow, everything that is happening in your life is as it should be, nothing is happening by chance. As with everything in life we have our ups and downs, it is how you react to situations, that will make all the difference. When you accept and embrace what is happening, life will then change for the better. Be open to who you have around you, especially if you are single, as love can strike at any given time and when you least expect it.

 Godfrey’s message to you is as one door closes in your life, a new one will open for you. it is a time of change and transition, in this period keep things simple, and uncomplicated. Keep working hard, you are putting all the pieces of your life together, and slowly but surely, when you get that right piece, everything will fall into place naturally, if it doesn’t, its not the right piece. Think of this in your own life, at things that just fall into place and then things that haven’t it will help you to understand the process that bit more.




aquariusAQUARIUS 21st Jan – 18th Feb

You are far stronger than you think, now you need to use your inner strength, and compassion to move forwards. You will only ever be given life experiences that the higher powers that be know that you will be able to handle. This is a time of stepping out of your comfort zones and pushing your own personal boundaries. Its time to reassess areas of your life that have been progressing slowly, and look at taking a change of direction if needs be. You have a lot going on and there is some sort of deadline you need to meet. Just pace yourself, do what you can, focus on one thing at a time, and you will have a positive outcome.

Godfrey’s message to you is you are focused on the material and financial side of life, what you want is security, to be comfortable, which is fantastic, keep working at it. But please remember to bring the spiritual side into your life, have fun, do things that make you happy, to keep a healthy balance. Everything you are doing, whatever you are putting your focus into will prove to be successful, so keep going now is not the time to give up.




piscesPISCES 19th Feb – 20th March

There are no skipping corners, or taking any short cuts this week. You need to have some form of action plan, that you can work with, to help with the flow of events. Keep the faith, know that you will get to where you want to be, now and again you may be required to take a leap of faith, to do or try something that may take you out of your comfort zones, but it will be well worth it in the end. Whilst there are times when you may feel it is one thing after another, you just need to learn from the mistakes and hiccups and keep pushing yourself forwards, as success is ahead of you, but there is also a lot of hard work to get there.

Godfrey’s message to you is now is not the time to give up on your hopes, and dreams, there is a lot more ahead of you, for you to experience, and there will be times when your tested and feel like giving up. But when you want something really bad, you will keep going, you will take the rough with the smooth, because ultimately the end result will be success and happiness. So keep going, be strong, know what you want and go for it.

One Response to “Tarotscopes for 23rd – 29th August”

  1. Irene says:

    I am so tired of living pay check to pay check and so tired of stressing out. Every time that I read Pisces I keep think when will it be my time to start shinning.

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